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Terms and Conditions of MS Soccer

By becoming a client of MS Soccer, you agree to the following terms. Specific terms for each Program Option are provided upon Registration.

1. Refund Policy - We offer no refunds for any reason or circumstance. Our program has limited availability and each spot of sought after. We often have a waiting list for our private 1on1 training and small group program. All sales are final. 

2. Vacation/Reschedule Policy - Please inform Mike 48 hours in advance if a change needs to be made to a session day or time. This will help Mike in coordinating and scheduling times throughout the week. If a session needs to be rescheduled for any reason within 24 hours of the scheduled day and time, the session will be forfeited, excluding weather incidents or other serious medical and family circumstances.

3. Rainout Policy - If the fields are "too wet" or if there is significant rain during the the morning or evening of our scheduled session, the session may be rescheduled upon Mike's decision. Mike will check to make sure the field is usable before every session. If the field is playable, we will maintain the session. While Parents may provide input, the session will ultimately be upheld or cancelled by Mike.

4. Missed Session Policy -  If you miss a session, you will forfeit the session. If you communicate with Mike 48 hours before the session, a rescheduled session will be made.  

5. Player Conduct Policy - All players are to arrive in proper attire and ready to begin the session on time. Players are expected to be attentive and ready to learn. MS Soccer reserves the right to dismiss players from its program for any reason. If players are disrespectful, unwilling to properly participate, unable to properly focus, or refuse to participate these may be grounds for dismissal. If dismissal occurs, a refund will be issued for all remaining sessions.

6. Payment Policy - Payments will be made prior to sessions whether that be by single session or via a package of sessions. Payment is expected before the scheduled session begins. Payment can be made through discussed payment methods or in person. For CV and Video services, payment is to be made before the service is provided.

7. Scheduling Policy - Sessions will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. Scheduling is to be done through the MS Soccer scheduling website. If you need to talk with Mike about scheduling in person outside of the website, please do so. There is no guarantee that a certain time or day will be available from week to week unless scheduled in advance. Mike reserves the right to adjust the schedule and communicate with clients about schedule changes and changing schedule options. Mike is a professional player and by agreeing to work with MS Soccer clients understand that Mike's schedule and availability may change due to circumstances involving professional soccer.


8. Renewal Policy - If you would like to purchase a new session or session package, please communicate with Mike at your earliest convenience. There are other players waiting to be a part of MS Soccer and availability is limited. If you or your player decides to take a break from training with MS Soccer, there is no guarantee that there will be available training when you choose to return. Mike will do his best to fit you back in the schedule when you are ready to return.

By becoming a customer of MS Soccer, I agree to the terms on this website. I have signed a contract stating that I have reviewed this page in depth and agree to these terms and conditions. 

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